What could possibly go wrong?
clipped from www.guardian.co.uk
Doing 'brain exercises' such as watching Countdown, playing Sudoku or taking a shower with your eyes closed can make us all up to 40 per cent cleverer within seven days, according to research by a BBC programme this week THE GET SMARTER GUIDE Saturday Brush your teeth with your 'wrong' hand and take a shower with your eyes closed. Sunday Do the crossword or Sudoku puzzle in your Sunday paper and take a brisk walk. Monday Have oily fish for dinner, and either cycle, walk or take the bus into work. Tuesday Select unfamiliar words from the dictionary and work them into conversations. Wednesday Go to yoga, Pilates or a meditation class, and talk to someone you don't know. Thursday Take a different route to work; watch Countdown or Brainteaser. Friday Avoid caffeine or alcohol; memorise your shopping list. |