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We are an independent professional development consultancy, specializing in leadership and people performance management. We provide one-to-one coaching, group training, team-development workshops, away-days, employee- or customer-satisfaction surveys, and business improvement consultancy.

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Way Ahead is offering a free workshop or coaching session to a not-for-profit organization in the Greater Baltimore area. At a time when the economy is biting into already tight budgets investments in people become a lower budget priority. So, if you know of any organizations that can use our services for free (no strings attached), again, please let us know.

Call us on 443 956 9908, or send an email to info@wayaheadweb.com.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Things to do to keep the engine running...

I've never managed to keep doing EFT on anything like a regular basis. When I did it with Katherine's direction, it produced results, but I never followed through. Well, here's something to attack those limiting self-beliefs... Like, I'm not good enough, or I'm incapable of follow-through...
clipped from www.emofree.com

EFT for faulty beliefs

By Cristofir K. Aven

Here is an example of a client's limiting belief and some of the EFT phrases we used: "If someone else has written a best selling book on my subject, then I can't." (The belief that I have to be the first one to do something or be the best at it.)

Even though I believe there's not enough fame, money, customers to go around…

Eyebrow: All these limiting beliefs

Side of Eye: Fears that are underneath my beliefs

Under Eye: Fears I'm not good enough

Under Nose: Belief I'm not good enough

Chin: Proof my beliefs are true

Collarbone: Fears about my capability

Under Arm: Belief that I don't deserve success

Top of Head: My old limiting beliefs

2nd Round:

Even though those beliefs have been with me my whole life and form my self-concept, I choose a new more empowering self-concept.
Even though those beliefs are embedded in my mind and body and I have proof I'm not good enough…

Under Nose: I choose courage, confidence in myself

Chin: I can't let go of old beliefs

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