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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Ever got to the end of the day and wondered what on earth you accomplished? Or, worse, ever got to the end of the day, and been sure you'd accomplished absolutely nothing? Zip. Zero. Nada.
It's a pretty depressing place to find yourself. Dwell on it, too long, and it'll take you down roads where you end up questioning the whole meaning, purpose and direction of your life.

Don't get me wrong: a little self-analysis, every now again, is no bad thing. We all need to check where we are and where we're headed against where we want to be, once in a while. But the end of a long day of spinning your wheels is not the time.

So. If you find yourself in this situation, what should you do? And how do you avoid getting to this place in the first instance?


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Unknown said...

I've discovered that I have a choice as to how I feel when the workday has ended and I'm looking at a stack of jobs in my physical or virtual "to-do" pile.

I used to choose to feel frustrated and stressed, feelings that would keep me up at night and then carry over into the next morning.

Now, looking at that to-do pile, I express my gratitude for another workday, and remind myself that I accomplished to my best ability what I could that day, and I will return refreshed to handle the rest at another time.

So, in short, I can choose to be stressed out about my workload or choose to be relaxed and rejoice in what I DID achieve in a day's work.